Deep Bodywork

What is Deep Bodywork?

Deep bodywork typically uses firm, slow and deliberate pressure to address deeper muscle layers, tendons, ligaments and fascia. Deep bodywork also helps break down adhesions, which are often found with chronic muscle tension and are commonly caused by injuries or prolonged immobility. These soft tissue adhesions can restrict circulation and range of movement causing inflammation, restrictions and pain. This type of bodywork is a corrective and therapeutic form of massage therapy that performed correctly will not cause an unresonable amount of pain for the client or fatigue for the therapist. Often similar massage strokes found in the basic swedish massage are used with deeper bodywork, however this is not always the case. There are specific massage techniques that deal with deeper musculature, adhesions, impaired function and restrictions like myfascial release, structural integration, trigger point therapy and neuromuscular therapy to name a few.

What are the Benefits of Deep Bodywork?

You'll find that deeper bodywork has similar benefits as the basic massage like reducing pain, tension and stress as well as improving circulation, sleep anxiety, headaches, digestive disorders and more. Deeper bodywork can offer a greater degree of benefit with some specific issues like relieving chronic pain, improved blood pressure, recovering from injuries, breaking down scar tissue, increasing limited mobility, decreasing chronic muscle tension, relieving chronic stress, helping sciatica, fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis pain. Deep bodywork can be beneficial to people who suffer from persistent muscle pain and stiffness from postural issues, sports or exercising injuries, labor intensive work and even reoccurring emotional stress or tention.

What Should I Expect from Deep Bodywork?

Deep bodywork can be added to specific areas during a regular swedish massage or can be done for an entire session. Typically deep bodywork focuses on problem areas using firm but gentle fingers, elbows, forearms and kuckles with sustained pressure and slow movements. The therapist should keep open communication throughout the session to find the optimal pressure level and help minimize the client's discomfort and maximize benefits. Bruising may occur with intense sessions but should not be expected, as it may be a sign of tissue damage. Should bruising appear, communicate with your therapist so they may adjust your next session accordingly. After deep bodywork it may be suggested to drink plenty of water & to take a warm epsom bath to help flush out toxins released from the session. Localized tenderness or soreness of treated area is common after deep bodywork and should dissipate within a day or two.

When Should I NOT Receive Deep Bodywork?

As with any modality there are times when deep bodywork is not recommended. It's always good practice to consult your primary physician before receiving bodywork especially if you are taking medication, after recent surgeries, have cancer, are pregnant, have recent bone fractures, recent burns or have diabetes or epilepsy. Deep bodywork is not recommended if you have a fever, contagious or infectious diseases, acute inflammation, deep vein thrombosis, neuritis, severe osteoporosis, severe thrombocyopenia, bleeding disorders, during pregnancy or are under the invluence of drugs or alcohol.

To book an appointment online click here.


Page updated: 02/16/21

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